Me Gilles Seguin

Chairman and Director of the Governance Committee

Me Seguin is currently a partner and Vice-Chairman of the board of BCF Business Law. He is a corporate finance and securities lawyer with approximately 35 years of experience, both nationally and internationally. Me Seguin has acted as a director for multiple public companies. From 2011 until April 2018 he was a director of Intema Solutions Inc., a TSXV listed leader in permission-based email marketing.

Gilles Seguin holds a law degree (LL.B) from Laval University and has been a member in good-standing of the Barreau du Québec since 1982. He is a member of the Barreau de Paris since 2016.

Our Board of Directors

Our Board oversees management of PHA commercial and internal affairs with a view to creating shareholder value.

Our Board is constitued of highly recognized leaders and directors with major successes and many years of experience